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Unlock real value
with AI

Faster than ever

Most businesses take 10-20 months to deliver high-impact AI use-cases.

We're changing this with a platform focused on simplicity, speed and impact.

Reimagined for speed

Unlocking value with AI typically takes months to years. After building bespoke solutions for Fortune 500 across the globe, we've reimagined how enterprise-grade AI systems are built. The result is a system that empowers under-resourced teams to create real value with AI in record time.

Pre-configured templates

Extracting value from AI requires identifying the biggest opportunities in your organisation and applying the correct machine learning algorithms to use. Customers leverage our library of pre-built workflows to remove the guess work from AI development.

Cutting-Edge Models and Algorithms

The highest performance requires the most advanced technologies. Our platform incorporates the latest machine learning algorithms and models from across the open-source ecosystem to unlock new frontiers of performance. 

Enterprise-grade security

High-impact AI solutions frequently need commercially sensitive information to succeed. Our SOC2 compliant platform ensures is built to protect the most important data and models from adversarial actors. 

Our Platform

Build high-impact AI solutions faster than ever before

AI platform screenshot

Remove the guess-work with bespoke AI development and ensure best-practice from day-1 with our library of pre-built workflows

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Configure workflows to your unique operating and data context with our workflow builder designed for speed and performance

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